AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Materials and Processes for Quantum Computing Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session MP+EM+NS-TuM

Paper MP+EM+NS-TuM2
Towards Improved Coherence Times in Transmon Qubits

Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 8:20 am, Room 203A

Session: High Coherence Qubits for Quantum Computing
Presenter: Sam Stanwyck, Rigetti Computing
Correspondent: Click to Email

The depth of the circuit a quantum computer can perform depends directly on the coherence times of its qubits. There are many sources of decoherence in superconducting qubits, and identifying and minimizing dominant sources is a critical step in improving the performance of quantum computers. By measuring the internal quality factor of resonators and deliberately coupling to different loss mechanisms, we identify dominant sources of resonator loss in our systems, as well fabrication process changes to ameliorate these losses. Additionally, defects and materials present on the chip surface are correlated with process changes and coherence metrics.