AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Materials and Processes for Quantum Computing Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session MP+AM+EM+NS-MoA

Invited Paper MP+AM+EM+NS-MoA3
The Quantum Socket: A Wiring Method for Superconducting Quantum Computing

Monday, October 22, 2018, 2:00 pm, Room 203A

Session: Systems and Devices for Quantum Computing II
Presenter: Matteo Mariantoni, University of Waterloo, Canada
Correspondent: Click to Email

I will provide a brief introduction to the main technological and scientific challenges to be faced in order to build a practical quantum computer, with emphasis on the case of superconducting quantum computing. I will then delve into a detailed explanation of a method to address the wiring of a two-dimensional array of superconducting quantum bit (qubits): The quantum socket [1]. Next, I will show how the quantum socket can be extended to a medium-scale quantum computer and how it can help mitigate coherent leakage errors due to qubits interacting with spurious cavity modes [2]. I will then show thermocompression bonding technology [3], a method that allows us to further protect qubits from the environment. In particular, I will propose a new qubit design based on our experimental implementation of thermocompression bonded chips, where vacuum gap capacitors are used to reduce dissipation due to so-called two-level state defects in amorphous dielectrics, which are the insulators presently use in our qubits.

[1] J.H. Béjanin, T.G. McConkey, J.R. Rinehart, J.D. Bateman, C.T. Earnest, C.H. McRae, Y. Rohanizadegan, D. Shiri, B. Penava, P. Breul, S. Royak, M. Zapatka, A.G. Fowler, and M. Mariantoni, Three-Dimensional Wiring for Extensible Quantum Computing: The Quantum Socket, Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 044010 (2016)

[2] T.G. McConkey, J.H. Béjanin, C.T. Earnest, C.R.H. McRae, Z. Pagel, J.R. Rinehart, M. Mariantoni, Mitigating Coherent Leakage of Superconducting Qubits in a Large-Scale Quantum Socket, Quantum Sci. Technol. 10.1088/2058-9565/aabd41 (2018)

[3] C.R.H. McRae, J. H. Béjanin, Z. Pagel, A.O. Abdallah, T.G. McConkey, C.T. Earnest, J.R. Rinehart, and M. Mariantoni, Thermocompression Bonding Technology for Multilayer Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 123501 (2017)