AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division Thursday Sessions
       Session MI+2D-ThM

Invited Paper MI+2D-ThM10
Materials Optimization to Form Skyrmion and Skyrmion Lattices

Thursday, October 25, 2018, 11:00 am, Room 203A

Session: Magnetism at the Nanoscale
Presenter: Eric Fullerton, University of California at San Diego
Correspondent: Click to Email

There is increasing interest in materials systems where magnetic skyrmions can be observed. I will discuss two materials systems where we observe chiral spin structures at room temperature. The first system is ferrimagnetic Fe/Gd-based multilayers where we observe sub-100-nm skyrmions and skyrmion lattices. However, the chirality of the skyrmions are random indicating they are dipole stabilized (similar to of bubble memory in the 1970’s) as opposed to by DMI that favors a fixed chirality. This further allows the formation of bi-skyrmions which result from the merging of two skyrmions of opposite chirality and anti-skyrmions. We find that there is a transition from stripe domains to a skyrmion lattice and then individual skyrmions with magnetic fields and this behavior is sensitive to alloy composition, film thickness, temperature, and field history and only emerges in a narrow range of parameters. Using micromagnetic modeling we are able to quantitatively reproduce our experimental observations. The modeling suggests that the domain wall is Bloch-like in the center of the films but broadens and transitions to more Néel-like towards the surface forming closure domains. The Bloch-like centers have an equal population of the two helicities while the Néel-like part of the walls will have the same helicity at the top of the film and the opposite helicity at the bottom of the film which allows coupling to spin-orbit-torque layers. The second system is Pt/Co(1.1 nm)/Os(0.2 nm)/Pt heterostructures. Using Kerr microscopy to observe skyrmions for a narrow temperature and field range. With relatively low currents, it is possible to generate and move these skyrmions both within patterned wires and full films and we further have observations of the skyrmion Hall effect. The research is done in collaboration with S. A. Montoya, R. Tolley, J. Brock, S. Couture, J. J. Chess, J. C. T Lee, N. Kent, D. Henze, M.-Y. Im, S.D. Kevan, P. Fischer, B. J. McMorran, V. Lomakin, and S. Roy and is supported by the DOE.