AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division Monday Sessions
       Session MI+2D+EM+NS-MoA

Invited Paper MI+2D+EM+NS-MoA5
Hybrid Magnetic Heterostructures

Monday, October 22, 2018, 2:40 pm, Room 201A

Session: IoT Session: Symposium on new Magnetic Materials, Devices and Concepts for the Information Society
Presenter: Ivan K. Schuller, University of California, San Diego
Authors: I.K. Schuller, University of California, San Diego
A. Basaran, University of California, San Diego
J. de la Venta, Colorado State University
J.G. Ramirez, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
T. Saerbeck, Institute Laue-Langevin, France
I. Valmianski, University of California, San Diego
X. Batlle, University of Barcelona, Spain
Correspondent: Click to Email

Hybrid materials allow the engineering of new material properties by creative uses of proximity effects. When two dissimilar materials are in close physical proximity the properties of each one may be radically modified or occasionally a completely new material emerges. In the area of magnetism, controlling the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic thin films without magnetic fields is an on- going challenge with multiple technological implications for low- energy consumption memory and logic devices. Interesting possibilities include ferromagnets in proximity to dissimilar materials such as antiferromagnets or oxides that undergo metal-insulator transitions. The proximity of ferromagnets to antiferromagnets has given rise to the extensively studied Exchange Bias[1].

In a series of recent studies, we have investigated the magnetic properties of different hybrids of ferromagnets (Ni, Co and Fe) and oxides, which undergo metal-insulator and structural phase transitions. Both the static as well as dynamical properties of the ferromagnets are drastically affected. Static properties such as the coercivity, anisotropy and magnetization [2-3] and dynamical properties such as the microwave response are clearly modified by the proximity effect and give raise to interesting perhaps useful properties.

Work supported by US-AFOSR and US-DOE

Selected References:

[1] Exchange Bias,Josep Nogues and Ivan K. Schuller, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 192, 203 (1999).

[2] Control of Magnetism Across Metal to Insulator Transitions, J. de la Venta, Siming Wang, J. G. Ramirez, and Ivan K. Schuller, App. Phys. Lett. 102, 122404 (2013).

[3] Coercivity Enhancement in V2O3/Ni Bilayers Driven by Nanoscale Phase Coexistence, J. de la Venta, Siming Wang, T. Saerbeck, J. G. Ramirez, I. Valmianski, and Ivan K. Schuller, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 062410 (2014).

[4] Collective Mode Splitting in Hybrid Heterostructures, Juan Gabriel Ramírez, J. de la Venta, Siming Wang, Thomas Saerbeck, Ali C. Basaran, X. Batlle, and Ivan K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B, 93, 214113 (2016).