AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division Monday Sessions
       Session MI+2D+EM+NS-MoA

Invited Paper MI+2D+EM+NS-MoA1
“ZOOMING in on Data Storage and the Superb HDD”

Monday, October 22, 2018, 1:20 pm, Room 201A

Session: IoT Session: Symposium on new Magnetic Materials, Devices and Concepts for the Information Society
Presenter: Roger Wood, Western Digital
Correspondent: Click to Email

Get ready for a wild ride starting with the vast distances of outer space and ending with the tiny

distances that separate atoms. For a very different perspective on data storage, each slide in the

presentation looks at things on a scale that is a factor of ten smaller than the previous slide. The

common thread is the technology of information storage. Information storage is what defines human

history and it is the machine-readable data storage developed in the last half-century that provides the

foundation of the modern information age. More than anything, data storage implies magnetic

recording and the hard disk drive. The humble Hard Disk Drive contains such exquisite technologies

and operates at such astounding precision that it almost defies belief. Yet, our industry churns out

these devices by the hundreds of millions and sells them for a few tens of dollars each. Please enjoy

this light-hearted logarithmic romp through storage technology from interstellar space to interatomic


(The presentation is based on a talk given at the annual ASME ISPS banquet in Santa Clara, California, in June 2016, while the author was with Western Digital Corporation.)