AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Workshops Wednesday Sessions
       Session EW-WeL

Paper EW-WeL4
MKS Instruments, Inc., 523 Granville-Phillips® Wide-Range Cold Cathode Transducer: Applications and Market Update

Wednesday, October 24, 2018, 1:00 pm, Room Hall A

Session: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session V
Presenter: David Kelly, MKS Instruments
Correspondent: Click to Email

A dual-discharge, wide-range cold cathode ionization gauge, marketed by MKS Instruments, Inc. as the 523 Granville-Phillips® Wide-Range Cold Cathode Transducer, was commercially disclosed at the Exhibitor Technology Spotlight session one year ago. This novel technology promised unprecedented low-cost of ownership for industrial vacuum applications requiring limited pressure measurement accuracy between atmosphere and 10^-7 Torr.

Several facilities have now tested the technology and vacuum technologists all over the world are quickly experiencing first-hand the unique capabilities of this revolutionary technology. This presentation describes several examples of real-world applications of the new product with a focus on process compatibility, sensor lifetime, and overall cost-reductions experienced by customers in manufacturing, research facilities and general vacuum applications, who are seeking alternative pressure measurement capabilities. The initial voice-of-customer reports confirm the original performance and cost features and benefits assertions originally stated by MKS Instruments.