AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic Friday Sessions
       Session AC+MI+SA-FrM

Paper AC+MI+SA-FrM6
Ligand and Metal XAS Edges In Heavy Metal Compounds

Friday, October 26, 2018, 10:00 am, Room 202C

Session: Actinide and Rare Earth Theory and Related Measurements
Presenter: Paul S. Bagus, University of North Texas
Authors: P.S. Bagus, University of North Texas
C.J. Nelin, Consultant
Correspondent: Click to Email

In previous work, [1] it has been shown that the magnitude and character of the covalent mixing in representative lanthanide and actinide oxides depends strongly on the nominal oxidation state of the oxide. In the present work, ab initio theoretical wavefunctions, WF, have been determined and have been used to obtain the energies and dipole intensities for different Near Edge X-Ray Absorption (XAS) Fine Structure, NEXAFS edges. The theoretical NEXAFS spectra have been examined in order to determine the extent to which the features of these edges can be used to infer the character and extent of the covalent bonding. An important and novel feature of the theory is that the angular momentum coupling of the open shell electrons is taken into account and the multiplets, both resolved and unresolved, associated with the various NEXAFS features are identified. Furthermore, different sets of variationally optimized orbitals are used for the initial, ground state, and the final, excited state, configurations. Thus, the relaxation and screening in response to the core-hole are taken into account. The systems examined are Ce(III) and Ce(IV) in CeO2 and U(IV), U((V), and U(VI) in UOx. For these systems, cation p and d edges are used to distinguish excitations to the frontier nf and (n+1)d orbitals, especially since it has been shown that both of these cation orbitals have significant covalent mixing with the ligands. The O K-edge NEXAFS is presented and the relative excitation energies and intensities into the cation nf and (n+1)d orbitals are compared to the covalent character of the different systems. The WFs are solutions of the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian. [2] Comparisons are made with experiment to demonstrate the accuracy of the theoretical treatments used.

Support for this work by the Geosciences Research Program, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. DOE, is acknowledged.

1. P. S. Bagus, C. J. Nelin, D. A. Hrovat, and E. S. Ilton, J. Chem. Phys. , 134706 (2017).

2. L. Visscher, O. Visser, P. J. C. Aerts, H. Merenga, and W. C. Nieuwpoort, Comput. Phys. Commun. , 120 (1994).