AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Thin Films Division Tuesday Sessions
       Session TF-TuA

Paper TF-TuA4
Nucleation of Al2O3 Atomic Layer Deposition with Water or H2O2

Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 3:20 pm, Room 20

Session: ALD Precursors and Surface Reactions
Presenter: Adam Hinckley, University of Arizona
Authors: A. Hinckley, University of Arizona
A.J. Muscat, University of Arizona
Correspondent: Click to Email

Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is a suitable replacement for SiO2 in electronic devices such as flash memory due to its wide band gap and higher dielectric constant. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) using sequential pulses of trimethylaluminum (TMA) and an oxidant is a leading method for the formation of nano-scale Al2O3 layers. Al2O3 layers grown by ALD have been demonstrated with leakage currents of less than 1 nA/cm3. The quality of the layers depends on both the deposition temperature and choice of oxidant, which is commonly water or oxygen atoms generated using a plasma.

An oxidant more reactive than water, such as H2O2, could produce a denser Al2O3 film. The growth of Al2O3 on hydrogen-terminated silicon using TMA and H2O2 was compared to that using TMA and water as a reference. Spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to determine the growth per cycle (GPC), and in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was recorded before and after each precursor dose. The O 1s XPS peak at 531.8 eV and the Al 2p peak at 75.5 eV were used to monitor the formation of the Al-O bond and the C 1s peak at 284.5 eV was used to monitor the persistence of the Al-C bond after each half cycle. A second state in O 1s XPS at 533.3 eV assigned to the O-H bond was used to estimate the number of reactive sites present after each oxidant pulse.

The growth-per-cycle (GPC) was equal to 1.2 Å at H2O2 pulse times above 0.3 s, which is similar to reported ALD growth rates using water. The Al 2p XPS peak appeared after 4 ALD cycles using anhydrous H2O2 and after 7 cycles using water. The aluminum coverage after 10 ALD cycles was 40 % greater for anhydrous H2O2 compared to water, although the GPC was similar for each co-reactant. The O-H coverage doubled with each pulse of H2O2. The O 1s peak assigned to O-H also broadened with subsequent ALD cycles due to the presence of additional surface states. Each pulse of water increased the O-H coverage by about 1.5 times compared to the subsequent pulse. The ratio between C 1s and Si 2p peak areas showed twice as much carbon present on the surface during H2O2 ALD. The C 1s/Si 2p ratio increased during pulses of TMA and decreased during pulses of H2O2 due to surface reactions that desorb CH4. Greater OH densities and C coverages indicate that H2O2 activates more surface sites for the metal precursor than water, improving Al2O3 film density.