AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session PS+NS+SS-WeM

Invited Paper PS+NS+SS-WeM5
Non-Equilibrium Plasmas for Nanoparticle Synthesis: from Semiconductors to Metals

Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 9:20 am, Room 22

Session: Plasma Processing for Nanomaterials & Nanoparticles
Presenter: Rebecca Anthony, Michigan State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Nonthermal plasmas have been increasingly popular for synthesis of nanocrystals. Generally, these flow-through reactors are radiofrequency (RF) plasmas operated at reduced pressure (2-10 Torr) into which vapor-phase precursors are entrained. The nanocrystals form following dissociation and clustering of the precursor molecules. Among the advantages offered by plasma reactors are low-temperature environment, avoidance of liquid-phase reactants, tunable nanocrystal properties via reactor parameters, and scalability. In addition, the nanocrystals can be collected as powders for post-processing, or directly impacted onto substrates in thin-film form, sidestepping the need for additional steps such as spin- or drop-casting. Combined with the solvent-free, low-temperature, all-gas-phase nature of nonthermal plasma reactors, this opens the door to direct incorporation of nanocrystals into functional layers on arbitrary substrates - without concern about solvent orthogonality or thermal susceptibility.

Here we present our work focusing on exploiting the non-equilibrium of plasma reactors for high-quality nanocrystal growth. First we discuss silicon nanocrystals for optical applications. The properties of these nanocrystals, such as size, crystallinity, and surface, can be altered in-flight using the plasma reactor parameters - and they can be inertially impacted onto a variety of substrates. These nanocrystals exhibit efficient and tunable photoluminescence, and we have deployed them in LEDs, luminescent layers on stretchable substrates, and as sensitizers for pollutant photodegradation. The non-equilibrium environment of the plasma also allows growth of even higher-melting-point nanocrystals, and we will share our work on GaN nanocrystal growth using plasma reactors. These freestanding nanocrystals are size-tunable and have excellent crystal quality despite GaN having a bulk melting temperature of 2500°C. Finally, we will discuss formation of metal nanoparticles in the plasma using an altered-geometry RF plasma with a central consumable ground electrode, working towards expanding the range of optoelectronically functional nanomaterials that can be made using nonthermal plasmas.