AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions

Session SS+EN-TuA
Photocatalysis, Photochemistry, and Chirality at Surfaces

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 112
Moderator: Arthur Utz, Tufts University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:20pm SS+EN-TuA1
Photoemission of Electron from Diamond Into Water: Enabling Novel Electrochemical Reduction Reactions
Robert Hamers, D. Zhu, L.H. Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Madison, J. Bandy, University of Wisconsin-Madson, G.M. Nathanson, J.R. Schmidt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2:40pm SS+EN-TuA2
STM Tip-Induced Desorption of TMAA from TiO2(110): Model Study of a Photocatalytic Process
Denis Potapenko, R.M. Osgood, Jr., Columbia University
3:00pm SS+EN-TuA3 Invited Paper
Ultrafast Time-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Photocatalytic Surfaces
Hrvoje Petek, S. Tan, A. Argondizzo, University of Pittsburgh
4:20pm SS+EN-TuA7
Surface and Interface Properties of Photoelectrocatalysts for Solar Fuels
Bruce Koel, C.X. Kronawitter, P. Zhao, Z. Chen, Princeton University
4:40pm SS+EN-TuA8
Improving Hematite-Based Solar Water Splitting by Surface Modification with Sn, Ti, and FeOOH
Anjli Patel, A.J. Abel, Drexel University, I. Garcia-Torregrosa, Utrecht University, Netherlands, B. Opasanont, J.B. Baxter, Drexel University
5:00pm SS+EN-TuA9
Metalation of a Polypyridine Macrocycle on Au(111): Preparation of a Water Reduction Catalyst on a Solid Substrate
Gerson Mette, D. Sutter, S. Schnidrig, B. Probst, R. Alberto, J. Osterwalder, Universität Zürich, Switzerland
5:20pm SS+EN-TuA10
Chiral Selective Chemistry Induced by Natural Selection of Spin-Polarized Electrons by DNA
Richard Rosenberg, Argonne National Laboratory, D. Mishra, R. Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
5:40pm SS+EN-TuA11
Creating Enantioselective Surfaces; Templating and One-to-one Interactions
Wilfred Tysoe, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
6:00pm SS+EN-TuA12
Single-Molecule and Single-Active-Site Studies of Stereocontrol by Chemisorbed Chiral Molecules
Peter McBreen, Y. Dong, J.C. Lemay, G. Goubert, Laval University, Canada, M.N. Groves, B. Hammer, Aarhus University, Denmark