AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions

Session SS+AS+EN-TuM
Mechanistic Insight of Surface Reactions: Catalysis, ALD, etc. - I

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 8:00 am, Room 113
Moderator: Ludwig Bartels, University of California - Riverside

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am SS+AS+EN-TuM1
Active Sites of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Materials for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Takahiro Kondo, D. Guo, R. Shibuya, C. Akiba, S. Saji, J. Nakamura, University of Tsukuba, Japan
8:20am SS+AS+EN-TuM2
Cerium Oxide-Induced Intercalation of Oxygen on Supported Graphene
Zbynek Novotny, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, F.P. Netzer, Karl-Franzens University, Austria, Z. Dohnalek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
8:40am SS+AS+EN-TuM3
Dissociation Dynamics of Energetic Water Molecules on TiO2(110): Combined Molecular Beam Scattering and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study
Z.-T. Wang, Y.-G. Wang, R.T. Mu, Y. Yoon, G.A. Schenter, R. Rousseau, I. Lyubinetsky, Zdenek Dohnalek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
9:00am SS+AS+EN-TuM4
Tracking Site-Specific C-C Coupling of Formaldehyde Molecules on Rutile TiO2(110)
Zhenrong Zhang, K. Zhu, Y. Xia, Baylor University, M. Tang, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Z.-T. Wang, I. Lyubinetsky, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Q. Ge, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Z. Dohnálek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, K. Park, Baylor University
9:20am SS+AS+EN-TuM5 Invited Paper
AVS 2014 Gaede-Langmuir Invited Talk: Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Hajo Freund, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany
11:00am SS+AS+EN-TuM10
The Solid State Li-CoO Conversion Reaction Studied by ARXPS and STM
Ryan Thorpe, S. Rangan, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, A. Howansky, Stony Brook University, R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
11:20am SS+AS+EN-TuM11
Imaging Water Adsorption and Dissociation on RuO2 (110) Surfaces
Rentao Mu, D.C. Cantu, X. Lin, V.A. Glezakou, Z.-T. Wang, I. Lyubinetsky, R. Rousseau, Z. Dohnálek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
11:40am SS+AS+EN-TuM12
Surface Reaction Kinetics during Low Temperature ALD of Al2O3 Studied by Broadband Sum-frequency Generation
Vincent Vandalon, W.M.M. Kessels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
12:00pm SS+AS+EN-TuM13
The Preparation and Redox Properties of Cu/Al2O3/ZnO(0001) Model Surfaces
J. Hu, J.J. Huang, H. Zhang, Mingshu Chen, Xiamen University, China