AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Novel Trends in Synchrotron and FEL-Based Analysis Focus Topic Monday Sessions

Session SA-MoA
New Insights in Correlated Materials, Organic Materials and 2D Solids

Monday, October 19, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 112
Moderators: Herrmann Dürr, Stanford University, Petra Rudolf, University of Groningen

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:20pm SA-MoA1
Operando Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy on Electronic States of Graphene Transistors
Hirokazu Fukidome, Tohoku University, Japan
2:40pm SA-MoA2
Micro-metric Electronic Patterning of a Topological Band Structure using a Photon Beam
Nick de Jong, E. Frantzeskakis, B. Zwartsenberg, Y. Huang, B.V. Tran, P. Pronk, E. van Heumen, D. Wu, Y. Pan, University of Amsterdam, M. Radovic, Paul Scherrer Institute, N.C. Plumb, N. Xu, Paul Scherrer Institut, M. Shi, Paul Scherrer Institute, A. de Visser, M.S. Golden, University of Amsterdam
3:00pm SA-MoA3 Invited Paper
Switching 2D Materials Properties with Light
Alessandra Lanzara, University of California, Berkeley
3:40pm SA-MoA5 Invited Paper
Science-driven Requirements for Soft X-ray Free Electron Lasers
Fulvio Parmigiani, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
4:20pm SA-MoA7 Invited Paper
Revealing Spin Texture Dynamics in Complex Materials via Time-resolved Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering
Robert Schoenlein, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
5:00pm SA-MoA9 Invited Paper
Electronic States of Functional Molecular Materials Probed by Low-energy Excitation
Satoshi Kera, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan