AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions

Session PS+SS+TF-WeM
Atomic Layer Etching (ALE) and Low-Damage Processes I

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 8:00 am, Room 210A
Moderator: Geunyoung Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am PS+SS+TF-WeM1 Invited Paper
Atomic Layer Etching to Escape Process Tradeoffs for 7nm Technology and Beyond
Alok Ranjan, M. Wang, S. Sherpa, TEL Technology Center, America, LLC, P. Ventzek, Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
8:40am PS+SS+TF-WeM3
Understanding of new processes for Atomic Layer Etching
Florentin Chambettaz, L. Vallier, J. Dubois, Univ. Grenoble Alpes-CNRS-CEA/Minatec-LTM,38000 Grenoble-France, O. Joubert, Univ. Grenoble Alpes-CNRS-CEA, France
9:00am PS+SS+TF-WeM4
Self-Limited Ion Implantation for Precise Low-k Spacer Etching
Nicolas Posseme, Cea-Leti, Minatec, France, M. Garcia-Barros, C. Arvet, ST Microelectronics, O. Pollet, Cea-Leti, Minatec, S. Lagrasta, P. Maury, ST Microelectronics, F. Leverd, ST Microlectronics, C. Richard, ST Microelectronics, S. Barnola, Cea-Leti, Minatec, France
9:20am PS+SS+TF-WeM5
Self-limiting Cyclic Etching of Silicon Nitride using Infrared Irradiation
Nobuya Miyoshi, Hitachi, Japan, H. Kobayashi, K. Shinoda, Hitachi, M. Matsui, Hitachi, Japan, M. Miyake, K. Maeda, Hitachi, Y. Kouzuma, Hitachi High-Technologies, Japan, Y. Kudo, T. Kanekiyo, M. Izawa, Hitachi High-Technologies
9:40am PS+SS+TF-WeM6
Prospects for Thermal Atomic Layer Etching: Materials and Selectivity
Steven George, Y. Lee, J.W. DuMont, University of Colorado at Boulder
11:00am PS+SS+TF-WeM10
Atomic Layer Etching of Al2O3 Using Sequential, Self-Limiting Thermal Reactions with Trimethylaluminum and Hydrogen Fluoride
Younghee Lee, J.W. DuMont, S.M. George, University of Colorado, Boulder
11:20am PS+SS+TF-WeM11
Low Damage Etch Chamber for Atomic Layer Etching
Leonid Dorf, S.R. Dorf, T.G. Monroy, K. Ramaswamy, K.S. Collins, Y. Zhang, Applied Materials
11:40am PS+SS+TF-WeM12
Modeling of Electron-Beam Generated Plasmas: Validation and System Design
Shahid Rauf, A. Agarwal, L. Dorf, K.S. Collins, Applied Materials, Inc., D.R. Boris, S.G. Walton, US Naval Research Laboratory
12:00pm PS+SS+TF-WeM13
Enhanced Reaction Rate and Precursor Transport in Focused Electron Beam Induced Etching Via Pulsed Laser Assistance
JooHyon Noh, University of Tennessee, J.D. Fowlkes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, R. Timilsina, M.G. Stanford, B.B. Lewis, P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee