AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    IPF on Mesoscale Science and Technology of Materials and Metamaterials Monday Sessions

Session IPF+MS-MoM
Materials for Energy Generation and Storage (8:20-10:20) & Mesoscale Phenomena in the Biosciences I (10:40-12:00)

Monday, October 19, 2015, 8:20 am, Room 210F
Moderators: Alain Diebold, SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Carolyn Larabell, University of California, San Francisco

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am IPF+MS-MoM1 Invited Paper
Synthesis and Behavior of Nanostructures in Mesoscale Architectures
SangBok Lee, G.W. Rubloff, E. Gillette, C. Liu, University of Maryland, College Park, X. Chen, Lam Research Corporation, J. Hu, S. Wittenberg, L. Graham, University of Maryland, College Park, P. Banerjee, Washington University, St. Louis
9:00am IPF+MS-MoM3 Invited Paper
Ultralight Microlattices: Defining the Limits of Lightweight Materials
William Carter, HRL Laboratories, LLC
9:40am IPF+MS-MoM5 Invited Paper
"Can Opto-Electronics Provide the Motive Power for Future Vehicles?"
Eli Yablonovitch, University of California, Berkeley
10:40am IPF+MS-MoM8 Invited Paper
The Convergence of Synthetic Biology and Biofabrication: Guiding Biological Function at the Mesoscale
William Bentley, Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland
11:20am IPF+MS-MoM10 Invited Paper
Using Mesoscale Modeling to Design Materials that Compute: Coupling Self-Oscillating Gels and Piezoelectric Films
V.V. Yashin, S.P. Levitan, Anna C. Balazs, University of Pittsburgh