AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session VT-WeM

Invited Paper VT-WeM1
MAXIV Vacuum System: From Design to Operation

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 8:00 am, Room 230B

Session: Accelerator and Large Vacuum Systems
Presenter: Eshraq Al-Dmour, Max IV Laboratory
Authors: E. Al-Dmour, Max IV Laboratory
M. Grabski, Max IV Laboratory
J. Ahlbäck, Max IV Laboratory
P. Fernandes Tavares, Max IV Laboratory
C. Pasquino, Max IV Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

MAXIV facility is under commissioning in Lund-Sweden. The facility consists of full energy Linac, two electron storage rings operating at 1.5 GeV and 3 GeV and a short pulse facility. The 3 GeV storage ring is 528 m in circumference, and has compact magnets design with small magnet apertures, as a result, the chambers inside diameter is also small (22 mm), so the conductance of the vacuum chambers is low and lumped pumps are ineffective. In order to provide the desired vacuum level (less than 1e-9 mbar) distributed pumping which has been realized by the use of non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating of the chamber walls was implemented. In addition, the vacuum chambers should absorb the heat from synchrotron radiation (SR) as an antechamber is difficult to realize, to solve this, the chambers are made from Silver bearing oxygen free (OFS) copper and the walls work as distributed absorbers where distributed cooling is used at the location where the SR hits the wall. The design, production, installation and conditioning of the vacuum system were a challenge, and therefore they are presented here.