AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Scanning Probe Microscopy Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session SP+AS+NS+SS-ThM

Paper SP+AS+NS+SS-ThM4
Anticorrelation between Surface and Subsurface Point-Defects and Influence on Redox Chemistry at TiO2(110)

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 9:00 am, Room 212A

Session: Probing Chemical Reactions at the Nanoscale
Presenter: Igor Lyubinetsky, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Authors: I. Lyubinetsky, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Y. Yoon, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Y. Du, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
J.C. Garcia, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Z. Zhu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Z.-T. Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
N.G. Petrik, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
G.A. Kimmel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Z. Dohnalek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
M.A. Henderson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R. Rousseau, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
N.A. Deskins, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Correspondent: Click to Email

The atoms at the surface that constitute reactive sites clearly govern surface chemistry. But subsurface atoms, particularly substitutional and/or interstitial defects, can also influence surface chemistry, though a detailed understanding is still emerging. Here we report the interplay and relative impact of surface vs. subsurface defects on the surface chemistry of rutile TiO2, a prototypical metal oxide. Importantly, it contains both surface and subsurface intrinsic point-defects in the reduced state (along with residual extrinsic defects). Our scanning tunneling microscopy results show that O vacancies (VO’s), the dominant surface defects, are virtually absent in the vicinity of positively-charged subsurface point-defects. Such anticorrelation of defects is consistent with density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the impact of subsurface defect proximity on VO formation energy, which narrows down the possible candidates to certain interstitial defects, of both intrinsic and extrinsic nature. To monitor the influence of such (electron-donor type) defects on surface redox chemistry, a test reaction of the electron-mediated dissociative adsorption of O2 is employed, which is observed to be suppressed around these defects. DFT results attribute this to a perceived absence of the intrinsic (Ti) (and likely extrinsic) interstitials in the nearest subsurface layer beneath “inhibited” areas, while the underlying energetic driver is largely repulsive electrostatics. Finally, we postulate that the entire subsurface region up to several atomic layers deep could be voided of any charged point-defects, whereas such defects are proposed to exist beyond the subsurface region. Subsequently, prevalent VO’s are largely responsible for both the surface/subsurface reduction and mediation of the redox chemistry at reduced TiO2(110) surface. Overall, this work provides new fundamental insights into the relation between surface and subsurface defects. In a broader perspective, the uncovered effects may prove to be general for other reducible oxides, and thus have potential implications in such diverse research fields as environmental remediation or microelectronics.