AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Monday Sessions
       Session NS+AS+SP-MoA

Invited Paper NS+AS+SP-MoA3
Recent Progress in Tip-Enhanced Mid-Infrared Photoexpansion Nanospectroscopy

Monday, October 19, 2015, 3:00 pm, Room 212B

Session: Optical Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale
Presenter: Mikhail Belkin, The University of Texas at Austin
Authors: M. Jin, The University of Texas at Austin
F. Lu, The University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Belkin, The University of Texas at Austin
Correspondent: Click to Email

Mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy in the molecular fingerprint region (1/λ~600-4000 cm-1) is widely used for chemical identification and quantitative analysis. The ability to perform mid-infrared spectroscopy with nanometer spatial resolution is highly desired for applications in chemical, materials, and life sciences. Nanoscale mid-infrared spectra can be obtained by detecting mechanical forces exerted by sample on an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip upon sample light absorption and photoexpansion. The first demonstration that photoexpansion of bulk polymers can be detected by AFM and used for mid-infrared nanospectroscopy was by Alexander Dazzi and co-workers [1]. However, only relatively thick polymer samples (approximately 50-nm-thick or thicker) produced detectable cantilever deflections in these experiments, even when mid-infrared optical intensity was close to sample damage. We demonstrated that the sensitivity of mid-infrared photoexpansion nanospectroscopy, also known as AFM-IR, may be improved by several orders of magnitude if we send low-power laser pulses at a repetition frequency that is tuned in resonance with the mechanical vibrational frequency of an AFM cantilever and if we further employ tip-enhancement of the optical field below a sharp gold-coated AFM tip. As a result, monolayer sensitivity and 25 nanometer spatial resolution was achieved for molecular imaging in air [2]. We will discuss details of these experiments and recent progress of this technique, including development of background suppression methods that may lead to further enhancement in sensitivity and progress towards achieving photoexpansion nanospectroscopy of samples in aqueous environment that requires mitigation of liquid damping of cantilever vibration and strong infrared absorption.

[1] A. Dazzi, R. Prazeres, F. Glotin and J.M. Ortega, Opt. Lett. 30, 2388 (2005).

[2] F. Lu, M. Jin and M.A. Belkin, Nature Photonics 8, 307 (2014).