AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Tuesday Sessions
       Session EM-TuP

Paper EM-TuP8
MIM: Role of Design and Fabrication

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 6:30 pm, Room Hall 3

Session: Electronic Materials and Processing Poster Session
Presenter: Aparajita Singh, Florida International University
Authors: A. Singh, Florida International University
S. Bhansali, Florida International University
Correspondent: Click to Email

The early assumptions have been that thin-film development and contact area the two major issues in defining characteristics of the MIM tunnel diode. Based on this the focus has rigorously been on patterning and various thin-film deposition techniques for MIM formation. Several designs with varied fabrication methods have been considered for fabrication of MIM devices till date for applications like energy-harvesting devices, terahertz electronics, macro electronics, etc. Here we elaborate upon each design and associated fabrication challenges for Ni-NiO based MIM and MIIM diodes. The goal is to optimize the MIM device design for: (1) ease of integration with other circuit devices, and (2) simpler fabrication steps for minimizing alteration in oxide property and inherent device impedance. Fabrication issues such as material selection, metal deposition, oxide growth/deposition, and patterning are discussed. Since ALD is currently the leading way to provide uniform, pinhole free and ultra-thin oxide layers, we present a comparison of oxide properties deposited by sputtering and ALD (the leading techniques) along with their impact on I-V characteristics. Influence of surface preparation on oxide and growth/deposition temperature are also discussed.