AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Monday Sessions
       Session EM+AS+SS-MoM

Paper EM+AS+SS-MoM6
Metamaterial Enhanced Rectenna for Efficient Energy Harvesting

Monday, October 19, 2015, 10:00 am, Room 211A

Session: Rectenna Solar Cells, MIM Diodes, and Oxide Interfaces
Presenter: Won Park, University of Colorado Boulder
Authors: D. Lu, University of Colorado Boulder
W. Park, University of Colorado Boulder
P. Brady, Redwave Energy Inc.
Correspondent: Click to Email

Rectenna solar cell offers an important alternative to the conventional semiconductor solar cell technology. Direct rectification of electromagnetic radiation faces many challenges one of which is the high frequency of operation. Thermal emission from hot bodies peaks at 10 ~ 100 THz while solar radiation has its maximum at around 600 THz. One may circumvent this difficulty if sufficiently strong thermal radiation is available at lower frequencies. In general, thermal emission is described well by the theory of blackbody radiation while the property of the non-black surface is characterized by its emissivity. When the surface supports surface waves, however, the properties of thermal emission can deviate substantially from the blackbody radiation, offering a new avenue for engineering thermal emission. For example, spatially coherent and spectrally selective thermal emission may be achieved. The presence of surface waves also means enhanced local density of states near the surface, which consequently leads to strongly modified thermal emission intensity and spectrum in the near field. In this paper, we report a metamaterial design to achieve enhanced thermal emission at 1 THz.

Two types of metamaterial designs were investigated: a 1D array of parallel trenches and a 2D array of holes etched on copper. The metamaterial surface was designed to support surface waves resembling the surface plasmon on metal surface. Numerical simulations by the finite element method confirmed the presence of surface waves and strong electric field near the surface at 1 THz. The strongly enhanced electric field is the direct consequence of enhanced local density of states. To further confirm the surface modes can be excited by thermal emission, we also conducted finite-difference time-domain simulations in which thermal emission was calculated by using the fluctuation dissipation theorem. Once the enhanced thermal emission is confirmed, a bowtie antenna was placed close to the metamaterial surface to capture the enhanced thermal emission in the near field. The antenna was optimized to maximize the electromagnetic energy delivered to the antenna gap. Since the antenna should couple efficiently with the surface modes, the optimal antenna design became quite different from the free space bowtie antenna operating at the same frequency. The optimized metamaterial and antenna design resulted in an antenna voltage of 10 mV at 1 THz, three orders of magnitude larger than the free space antenna. Such a large enhancement makes the metamaterial approach a highly promising route to efficient energy harvesting with rectenna.