AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Monday Sessions
       Session EM+AS+SS-MoM

Paper EM+AS+SS-MoM5
Coherence Effects in Periodic Arrays of Nano-Antennas used for Energy Harvesting and Self-Imaging

Monday, October 19, 2015, 9:40 am, Room 211A

Session: Rectenna Solar Cells, MIM Diodes, and Oxide Interfaces
Presenter: Peter Lerner, SciTech Associates, LLC
Authors: P.B. Lerner, SciTech Associates, LLC
P.H. Culter, Penn State University
N.M. Miskovsky, Penn State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Coherence effects in periodic arrays of nano-antennas used for energy harvesting and self-imaging

P. B. Lerner [1] , N. M. Miskovsky1,2 , P. H. Cutler1,2

Modern technology allows the fabrication of antennas with a characteristic size comparable to the electromagnetic wavelength in the optical region. [1] This has led to the development of new technologies using nanoscale rectifying antennas (rectennas) for solar energy conversion and sensing of terahertz, IR and visible radiation. For example, a rectenna array can collect incident radiation from an emitting source and the resulting conversion efficiency and operating characteristics of the device will depend on the spatial and temporal coherence properties of the absorbed radiation. For solar radiation, the intercepted radiation by a micro- or nano-scale array of devices has a relatively narrow spatial and angular distribution. Using the Van Cittert-Zernicke Theorem, we show that the coherence length (or radius) of solar radiation on an antenna array is, or can be, tens of times larger than the characteristic wavelength of the solar spectrum, i.e., the thermal wavelength, λT=2πℏc/(kBT), which for T=5000K is about 2 microns. Such an effect is advantageous, making possible the rectification of solar radiation with nanoscale rectenna arrays, whose size is commensurate with the coherence length. Furthermore, using the van Cittert-Zernicke Theorem, we also examine the blackbody radiation emitted from an array of antennas at temperature T, which can be quasi-coherent and lead to a modified self-image, analogous to the Talbot-Lau self-imaging process [2] but with thermal rather than monochromatic radiation. This coherence of the antennas’ blackbody radiation can also introduce an angular spectrum, which may be concentrated (enhanced) along certain spatial directions, giving rise to additional features not present in the original array. The self-emitted thermal radiation may be important as a non-destructive means for quality control of the array.

[1] Miskovsky, N. M., P. H. Cutler, A. Mayer, B. L. Weiss, B. Willis, T. E. Sullivan, and P. B. Lerner (2012) Nanoscale Devices for Rectification of High Frequency Radiation from the Infrared through the Visible: A New Approach, Journal of Nanotechnology, Article ID 512379, 19 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/512379 .

[2] Gori, F. (1979) Lau Effect and Coherence Theory, Optics Communications, 31(1), 4.

1 SciTech Associates, Woodland Drive, State College, 16803.

2 Physics Department (emeritus), Penn State University, University Park, 16802.