AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Monday Sessions
       Session EM+AS+SS-MoA

Paper EM+AS+SS-MoA2
MIM Diodes for RF Energy Harvesting

Monday, October 19, 2015, 2:40 pm, Room 211A

Session: MIM Diodes, Functional Oxides, and TFTs
Presenter: Atif Shamim, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Authors: A.A. Khan, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
A. Syed, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
F. Ghaffar, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
A. Shamim, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

Metal Insulator Metal (MIM) diodes that work on fast mechanism of tunneling have been used in a number of very high frequency applications such as (Infra Red) IR detectors and optical Rectennas for energy harvesting. Their ability to operate under zero bias condition as well as the possibility of realizing them through additive techniques makes them attractive for (Radio Frequency) RF applications. However, two major issues namely, high surface roughness at the metal-insulator junction which effects the reliability of the diode, and very high resistance (typically in Mega Ohms) which complicates its matching with RF antenna have prevented its wide spread use in RF rectennas.

In this work, various metal deposition methods such as sputtering and electron beam evaporation are compared in pursuit of achieving low surface roughness. Amorphous metal alloy has also been investigated in terms of its low surface roughness. Zinc oxide has been studied for its suitability as a thin dielectric layer for MIM diodes. Finally, comprehensive RF characterization of MIM diodes has been performed in two ways: 1) by standard S-parameter methods, and 2) by investigating their rectification ability under zero bias operation.

It is concluded from the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging that surface roughness as low as sub 1 nm can be achieved reliably from crystalline metals such as copper and platinum. This value is comparable to surface roughness achieved from amorphous alloys, which are non-crystalline structures and have orders of magnitude lower conductivities. Relatively lower resistances of the order of 1 Kilo Ohm with a sensitivity of 1.5 V-1 have been obtained through DC testing of devices with MIM diode structure of platinum/zinc oxide/ titanium. Finally, RF characterization reveals that input impedances in the range of 300 Ω to 25 Ω can be achieved in the low GHz frequencies (from 0.5-10 GHz). From the rectification measurements at zero bias, a DC voltage of 4.7 mV has been obtained from an incoming RF signal of 0.4 W at 2.45 GHz, which indicates the suitability of these diodes for RF rectenna devices without providing any bias. These preliminary results indicate that with further optimization, MIM diodes are attractive candidates for RF energy harvesting applications.