AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session AC+AS+MI-ThM

Invited Paper AC+AS+MI-ThM3
Ab Initio Study of Advanced Metallic Nuclear Fuels for Fast Breeder Reactors

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 8:40 am, Room 230A

Session: Nuclear Power and Waste Remediation
Presenter: Alexander I. Landa, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

The U-TRU-Zr and U-TRU-Mo alloys proved to be very promising fuels for TRU-burning liquid metal fast breeder reactors. The optimal composition of these alloys is determined from the condition that the fuel could remain stable in the bcc phase (γ-U) in the temperature range of stability of α-U phase. In other words, both Zr and Mo play a role of ‘γ-stabilizers’ helping to keep U in the metastable bcc phase upon cooling. The main advantage of U-Pu-Mo fuels over U-Pu-Zr fuels lies in much lower constituent redistribution due to the existence of a single γ-phase with bcc structure over typical fuel operation temperatures. The nucleation time for the decomposition of the metastable alloys, which controls the constituent redistribution process, is directly connected with the excess enthalpy of solution of these alloys. In the present study we perform KKR-ASA-CPA and EMTO-CPA calculations of the ground state properties of γ-U-Zr and γ-U-Mo alloys and compare their heats of formation with CALPHAD assessments. We discuss how the heat of formation in both alloys correlates with the charge transfer between the alloy components, and how the specific behavior of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level promotes the stabilization of the U2Mo compound. Our calculations prove that, due to the existence of a single γ-phase over the typical fuel operation temperatures, γ-U-Mo alloys should indeed have much lower constituent redistribution than γ-U-Zr alloys where a high degree of constituent redistribution takes place. The binodal decomposition curves for γ-based U-Zr and U-Mo solid solutions are derived from Ising-type Monte Carlo simulations incorporating effective cluster interactions obtained from the Screened Generalized Perturbation and Connolly-Williams methods. We also explore the idea of stabilization of the δ-UZr2 compound against the α-Zr (hcp) structure due to increase of Zr d-band occupancy by the addition of U to Zr. Analogy with stabilization of the ω phase in Zr under compression is made. Though the U-Pu-Zr and U-Pu-Mo alloys can be used as nuclear fuels, a fast rector operation on a closed fuel cycle will, due to the nuclear reactions, contain significant amount of MA (Np, Am, Cm). Calculated heats of formation of bcc Pu-U, Pu-Np, Pu-Am, Pu-Cm, Pu-Zr, Pu-Mo, Np-Zr, Np-Mo, U-Am, Np-Am, Am-Zr and Am-Mo alloys are also presented and compared with CALPHAD assessments. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and was funded by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LLNL under project tracking code 12-SI-008.