AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition
    Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session EL+AS+EM+EN+SS-ThM

Application of Pseudo-Bulk Approach in Ellipsometric Studies of Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Thin Films

Thursday, November 13, 2014, 8:40 am, Room 304

Session: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Photovoltaics and Instrument Development
Presenter: Sukgeun Choi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Authors: S.G. Choi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
J. Li, University of Toledo
I. Repins, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Fundamental band gap is one of the key properties of semiconducting materials, which directly influences the functionality and performance of many photonic and photovoltaic (PV) devices. Photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectroscopies are widely used to determine the band-gap energy Eg. For polycrystalline thin-film PV materials, however, it is often challenging to unambiguously interpret PL data owing to the presence of multiple peaks associated with various types of defect structures. To estimate Eg from optical absorption spectrum, on the other hand, a straight segment of the absorption coefficient curve needs to be chosen. But this selecting procedure is somewhat arbitrary, which leads to an inaccurate Eg value.

Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) accurately determines material’s optical function spectra over a wide spectral range. For semiconductor thin-film structures, a multilayer analysis is generally used to extract the optical information from SE data. Although mainly surface overlayer artifacts need to be corrected for SE data well-above the band gap in the analysis, several contributions should be considered for those near (and below) the band gap, such as the optical characteristic of substrate, presence of interfacial layers, and finite thickness of film in addition to the artifacts from surface overlayers. As a result, the obtained optical function spectrum and Eg value become somewhat model dependent with an increased uncertainty.

To reduce complications in mathematical modeling of SE data and improve the accuracy of resulting near-band-gap optical function spectrum, we introduce the pseudo-bulk approach, where SE measurements are performed on thin films grown on macroscopically roughened substrate surface. The essence of this approach is in suppressing the reflection of probing light from the film/substrate interface and below. Thus, no thickness fringes appear in the SE data, despite the thin-film nature of sample, and the band-gap onset can be clearly observed with a post-growth chemo-mechanical polishing of the film surface. We apply the pseudo-bulk approach to study near-band-gap optical properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 and related PV absorber materials. We present a non-monotonic temperature-dependence of Eg for Cu2ZnSnSe4 and the clear band-gap onset of Cu2SnSe3 at around 0.45 eV for the first time. SE results are explained by the results from the electronic structure calculations. The applicability and limit of this approach are also discussed.