Paper AS+MC+SS-FrM1
Vector Potential Photoelectron Microscopy
Friday, November 14, 2014, 8:20 am, Room 316
Vector potential photoelectron microscopy (VPPEM) is a new class of synchrotron based analytic spectromicroscopy using NEXAFS and XPS spectroscopy. To optimize the spatial resolution VPPEM images very low energy photoelectrons which poses both challenges and opportunities. At low energies the NEXAFS signals have an information depth that is similar to that from total yield absorption (TAY) measurements, while the XPS signals have a variable information depth from the universal curve at low energies. VPPEM has a very high depth of focus, and immunity to many imaging artifacts such as surface charging, and magnetic state. This makes VPPEM suitable for analyzing real world samples, and we present some results from the prototype instrument at NSLS.