AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Tribology Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session TR-TuP

Paper TR-TuP4
Multi-Scale Simulation of Ohmic Contact Deformation in RF-MEMS

Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 6:00 pm, Room Hall B

Session: Tribology Poster Session
Presenter: X. Ji, North Carolina State University
Authors: C.R. Freeze, North Carolina State University
X. Ji, North Carolina State University
B.E. Gaddy, North Carolina State University
D.L. Irving, North Carolina State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

“Ohmic” RF-MEMS are radio frequency Microelectromechanical Systems (RF-MEMS) switches relying on metal-metal contact. They are of great interest to the telecommunications and defense industries due to their potential for use in switching networks, low-noise/power circuits, portable wireless systems, phased arrays, filters, and antennas. Issues with reliability, however, have prevented widespread commercial use of these devices. In an effort to better understand important degradation mechanisms in the vicinity of the contact, we simulated the complicated environment at the electrical contact through implementation a multi-scale method. This method incorporates an overlay of a finite difference mesh on top of a traditional molecular dynamics simulation. Thermal and electric transport equations are solved via finite difference part of the method and the results are coupled to an underlying atomistic simulation. In this work, contact deformation of ohmic RF-MEMS was approximated as the indentation of a single-asperity on a variety of substrates. These substrates included polycrystalline gold, polycrystalline gold with a void and polycrystalline gold with a trapped pocket of contamination. Indentation was performed for a variety of pressures and applied voltages. The different structures of the substrate result in drastically different steady state thermal profiles when voltage was applied. This significantly affected the indentation depth as compared to room temperature no voltage cases. Flow stress calculations as a function of bulk temperature were used to provide insight into trends in indentation depths as a function of load and underlying structure of the substrate.