AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Scanning Probe Microscopy Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session SP+AS+BI+MI+NS+SS-ThM

Development of a Synchrotron X-Ray Assisted STM

Thursday, October 31, 2013, 9:40 am, Room 202 C

Session: Advances in Scanning Probe Imaging
Presenter: H. Kersell, Ohio University
Authors: H. Kersell, Ohio University
S.-W. Hla, Ohio University
N. Shirato, Argonne National Laboratory
V. Rose, Argonne National Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) yields substantial information about surface properties of conductive materials by probing the electronic properties of samples under investigation. However, the nature of STM's reliance on the sample density of electronic states often limits the elemental contrast of resulting images. By targeting samples with high energy X-rays, such as those generated by a synchrotron light source, core level electrons may be excited and subsequently measured as a contribution to the tunneling current in STM. Since core level energies are chemically specific, this technique can be used to gain elemental sensitivity in STM imaging, providing enhanced understanding of molecule-substrate and intermolecular interactions. We present the development of a synchrotron-assisted STM (SXSTM), for this purpose.