AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Scanning Probe Microscopy Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session SP+AS+BI+EM+MI+NS+SE+SS-ThA

Invited Paper SP+AS+BI+EM+MI+NS+SE+SS-ThA6
Manipulating Magnetism One Atom at a Time

Thursday, October 31, 2013, 3:40 pm, Room 202 C

Session: Probe-sample Interactions, Nano-manipulation and Emerging Instrument Formats
Presenter: S. Loth, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

Magnetic materials consist of atoms that interact very locally – often on atomic length scales. In nanoscopic systems the details of these interactions become increasingly important. We use scanning tunneling microscopy to test how far classical concepts of magnetism can be extended into the nanoworld and how they emerge from the quantum mechanical behavior of individual spins.

We have developed a complete toolset to explore magnetization dynamics in artificial few-atom nanostructures:

Magnetic atoms can be assembled into precisely defined arrays by atom manipulation with the STM tip. The atomic spins interact with each other and form collective magnetic states that can be tailored by modifying the atomic arrangements. Elastic and inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy is used to quantify magnetic properties such as excitation energies, anisotropy barriers and spin-polarization as the nanostructure is being built up [1]. Crucial information on the stability of a nanostructure and influence of the environment can be obtained from the spin system’s dynamical response to an external stimulus. For this purpose we use an all-electronic pump probe measurement scheme that excites the nanostructure repeatedly by spin-transfer torque and measures its response by spin-polarized tunneling [2].

With this technique we identified a new route to create stable magnetic states using antiferromagnetic spin-spin interaction. While individual Fe atoms exhibit a spin relaxation time on the order of 1 ns, linear antiferromagnetic chains with as few as eight Fe atoms show magnetic states that are stable for several minutes [3]. This dramatic change in dynamic behavior is indicative of a cross-over from quantum mechanical spin states to a ground state with classical magnetic order.

These experiments show a promising route towards rapid prototyping of quantum magnetic spin structures with control over static and dynamic properties by atom assembly in the STM.

[1] C. F. Hirjibehedin, C.-Y. Lin, A. F. Otte, M. Ternes, C. P. Lutz, B. A. Jones, A. J. Heinrich, Science 317, 1199 (2007).

[2] S. Loth, M. Etzkorn, C. P. Lutz, D. M. Eigler, A. J. Heinrich, Science 329, 1628 (2010).

[3] S. Loth, S. Baumann, C. P. Lutz, D. M. Eigler, A. J. Heinrich, Science 335, 196 (2012).