AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    MEMS and NEMS Monday Sessions
       Session MN+NS-MoA

Invited Paper MN+NS-MoA1
Silicon Integrated Optoelectronics

Monday, October 28, 2013, 2:00 pm, Room 102 A

Session: Optomechanics, Photonics, and Quantum Nanosystems
Presenter: W. Baehr-Jones, University of Delaware
Authors: M. Hochberg, University of Delaware
W. Baehr-Jones, University of Delaware
Correspondent: Click to Email

CMOS-compatible silicon is not an obvious material system for building high-performance optical devices. But, over the last ten years, it has become possible to build fairly complex integrated optical systems at telecommunications wavelengths on electronics-compatible silicon substrates. In fact the complexity of these systems has been approximately doubling every year, and this trend is projected to continue for at least the next several years. With a combination of CMOS electronics and photonics, we can gain control of both photons and electrons, while preserving the powerful economics of the VLSI revolution. The focus of this talk will be on the OPSIS project, which is a new initiative led out of UW aimed at creating an open infrastructure for building fully integrated optoelectronic devices in silicon, and on some of the new science and engineering that are enabled by these devices.