AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Ions at Aqueous Interfaces Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session IA+AI+BI+IS+NL+SS-MoA

Invited Paper IA+AI+BI+IS+NL+SS-MoA8
Dielectric Interfacial Effects

Monday, October 28, 2013, 4:20 pm, Room 203 A

Session: Ions at Aqueous Interfaces
Presenter: R. Netz, FU Berlin, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

The molecular layer of water molecules on surfaces, the so-called hydration layer, is important for a whole number of properties of biological as well as technological surfaces. Insight can be gained from all-atomistic simulations in conjunction with appropriate continuum modeling.

- Dielectric properties of interfacial water layers are important for the design of high-power capacitors, and can be resolved using simulations.

- At the same time, ions accumulate into a highly condensed interfacial layer, leading to the well-known saturation of the electro-osmotic mobility at large surface charge density regardless of the hydrodynamic boundary conditions. The experimentally well-established apparent excess surface conductivity follows for all hydrodynamic boundary conditions without additional assumptions.

- Hydration water at biological membranes absorbs electromagnetic radiation specifically in the 0.1-10 GHz range that is used for radio communication. Possible health issues are discussed.