AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Tuesday Sessions
       Session VT-TuA

Paper VT-TuA3
Status of the FRIB Driver Linac Vacuum Calculations

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 2:40 pm, Room 14

Session: Accelerator and Ultra-Clean Vacuum Systems
Presenter: B. Durickovic, Michigan State University
Authors: B. Durickovic, Michigan State University
P. Gibson, Michigan State University
P. Guetschow, Michigan State University
R. Kersevan, CERN, Switzerland
D. Leitner, Michigan State University
M. Leitner, Michigan State University
L. Lingy, Michigan State University
F. Marti, Michigan State University
G. Morgan, Michigan State University
M. Schein, Michigan State University
M. Shuptar, Michigan State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is a heavy ion fragmentation facility to produce rare isotopes far from stability for low energy nuclear science. The facility will utilize a high-intensity, superconducting heavy-ion driver linac to provide stable ion beams from protons to uranium at energies greater than 200 MeV/u and at a beam power of up to 400 kW. The beam will be fragmented on a multilayer high power fragmentation target and separated in a high resolution fragment separator.
Two ECR ion source injectors will provide highly charged ions for the superconducting linac for efficient acceleration. In order to transport the heavy ions at the low velocities of the injection beam the vacuum systems need to be carefully designed to avoid beam losses due to charge exchange. For uranium 33+, for example (one of the commissioning beams), the cross-section for electron capture from the residual gas is so large at low energies (~12 keV/u in LEBT) that a residual gas pressure of 10^-6 Torr would lead to unacceptable beam losses in the analyzing magnet.
Similarly, in the warm section of the superconducting linac, beam losses due to interaction of the beam with residual gas need to be minimized in order to keep the average uncontrolled beam loss well below 1 W/m as required for maintainability of the accelerator and safety considerations.
These beam loss requirements, as well as the need for managing vacuum levels in high loss regions such as beam stripping and collimation areas, led to the establishment of minimum baseline vacuum requirements for all areas of the accelerator system. In addition, the SRF cavities must be protected from contamination that could possibly migrate from the stripper region, collimator systems, or target systems.
CAD vacuum models of each area are made based upon the accelerator lattice file, and Monte Carlo simulations of vacuum levels are performed using MolFlow+ to help determine or validate the vacuum hardware configuration needed to meet the baseline requirements. This talk will describe the FRIB facility vacuum requirements, and report on the methods and status of the FRIB vacuum calculations.
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661