AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session VT+AS+SS-WeM

Paper VT+AS+SS-WeM6
Niobium Nitride Thin Films and Multilayers for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities

Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 9:40 am, Room 14

Session: Surface Analysis and Vacuum Manufacturing for Accelerators
Presenter: W.M. Roach, The College of William and Mary
Authors: W.M. Roach, The College of William and Mary
D.B. Beringer, The College of William and Mary
Z. Li, The College of William and Mary
J.R. Skuza, National Institute of Aerospace
C. Clavero, The College of William and Mary
R.A. Lukaszew, The College of William and Mary
Correspondent: Click to Email

Niobium nitride in thin film form has been considered for a number of applications including multilayered coatings onto superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities which have been proposed to overcome the fundamental accelerating gradient limit of 50 MV/m in niobium based accelerators [1]. In order to fulfill the latter application, the selected superconductor’s lower critical field, HC1, must be larger than that of niobium and separated from the niobium surface by an insulating layer in order to shield the niobium cavity from field penetration, therefore allowing higher field gradients. Thus, for the successful implementation of such a multilayered stack it is important to consider not just the material’s inherent properties, but also how these properties may be affected in thin film geometry and also by the specific deposition techniques used. Here, we present the results of our correlated study of structure and superconducting properties in niobium nitride thin films. Additionally, we explore how growth parameters can affect the surface morphology, since the quality of the surface has major implications on the ultimate performance of SRF cavities. Combining our findings on the surface morphology, microstructure, and superconducting properties in niobium nitride thin films, we discuss their potential application in multilayered coatings for accelerator cavities.
[1] A. Gurevich, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 012511 (2006).
This work was funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA-10-1-0072).