AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Oxide Heterostructures-Interface Form & Function Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session OX+EM+MI+NS+TF-MoM

Invited Paper OX+EM+MI+NS+TF-MoM3
Manipulating the Electrostatic Boundary Conditions of Polar Interfaces

Monday, October 29, 2012, 9:00 am, Room 007

Session: Structure–Property Relationships in Epitaxial Oxide Interfaces
Presenter: Y. Hikita, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Transition metal oxides (TMO) offer various functionalities ranging from electronic devices to environmental catalysts [1, 2]. Often, the central part of such devices is the interface between different materials. In order to improve their device performance, control of charge transport across these interfaces is essential. Originally developed in semiconductor heterostructures, interface band alignment control is based on the interface electrostatic boundary conditions and is one of the most fundamental methods to tune the carrier transport across interfaces [3]. Given their strongly ionic nature and their accessibility to multiple valence states, the TMO interface should be more suitable than covalent semiconductors for manipulating interface band alignments. Here we focus on epitaxial metal-semiconductor Schottky interfaces between perovskite oxides to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique. I will present two SrTiO3 based perovskite Schottky junctions in which the interface energy barriers were modulated by interface dipoles controlled on the atomic scale [4]. Further, I will present the application of this technique in the form of an all-oxide hot electron transistor [5].

1. R. Ramesh and D. G. Schlom, MRS Bull. 33, 1006 (2008).

2. J. Suntivich et al., Science 334, 1383 (2011).

3. F. Capasso et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 664 (1985).

4. Y. Hikita et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 073101 (2009).

5. T. Yajima et al., Nature Mater. 10, 198 (2011).