AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Thursday Sessions
       Session NS-ThM

Paper NS-ThM9
Turning STM Images Into Chemical Understanding: Atomically Flat Si(100) Reveals the Mechanism of Silicon Oxidation

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 10:40 am, Room 12

Session: Nanoscale Imaging and Microscopy
Presenter: M.A. Hines, Cornell University
Authors: M.A. Hines, Cornell University
M.F. Faggin, Cornell University
K. Bao, Cornell University
A. Gupta, Cornell University
B.S. Aldinger, Cornell University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Because of its technological importance, silicon oxidation has been studied intensely for decades; however, the disordered nature of the oxide makes these reactions notoriously difficult to understand. In this work, the oxidation reaction is coupled with a subsequent etching reaction, allowing oxidation to literally write an atomic-scale record of its reactivity into the etched surface — a record that can be read with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and decoded into site-specific reaction rates, and thus chemical understanding, with the aid of simulations and infrared spectroscopy. This record overturns the long-standing and much-applied mechanism for the aqueous oxidation of the technologically important face of silicon, Si(100), and shows that the unusually high reactivity of a previously unrecognized surface species leads to a self-propagating etching reaction that produces near-atomically flat Si(100) in a beaker at room-temperature — a long-standing technological goal. These findings show that, contrary to expectation, the low-temperature oxidation of Si(100) is a highly site-specific reaction and suggests strategies for functionalization by low-temperature, solution-based reactions.