AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Thursday Sessions
       Session NS-ThM

Paper NS-ThM6
Unusual Island Formations of Iridium on Ge(111) Studied by STM

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 9:40 am, Room 12

Session: Nanoscale Imaging and Microscopy
Presenter: M. van Zijll, University of California, Davis
Authors: M. van Zijll, University of California, Davis
C. Mullet, University of California, Davis
B. Stenger, University of California, Davis
E. Huffman, University of California, Davis
D. Lovinger, University of California, Davis
W. Mann, University of California, Davis
S. Chiang, University of California, Davis
Correspondent: Click to Email

We have used scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to characterize the growth of iridium onto Ge(111). Iridium was deposited onto the Ge(111) c(2x8) surface at different coverages less than 1ML, and the samples were annealed to temperatures between 550K and 750K. A new form of growth was observed, consisting of pathways connecting larger iridium islands. As the annealing temperature increased, the iridium growth first formed unusual shapes with finger-like protrusions. Next, these shapes broke apart into smaller islands, which ultimately formed into larger islands at higher temperatures. High resolution images have been obtained, which allow insight into the atomic arrangements. We propose a model relating the activation energy of specific binding sites to the formation of various observed structures on the surface.

Funding from NSF CHE-0719504 and NSF PHY-1004848 (REU)