AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session GR+EM+ET+NS+TF-MoA

Direct Determination of Dominant Scatterer in Graphene on SiO2

Monday, October 29, 2012, 2:20 pm, Room 13

Session: Electronic Properties and Charge Transport
Presenter: J. Katoch, University of Central Florida
Authors: J. Katoch, University of Central Florida
D. Le, University of Central Florida
T.S. Rahman, University of Central Florida
M. Ishigami, University of Central Florida
Correspondent: Click to Email

Freely suspended graphene sheets display high-field effect mobility, reaching 2´105 cm2/V s. Yet, suspended graphene sheets are fragile and impractical for most experiments and applications. Graphene sheets on SiO2 are easier to handle but possess low-carrier mobilities, which can vary by an order of magnitude from sample to sample. Poor and unpredictable transport properties reduce the utility of SiO2-bound graphene sheets for both fundamental and applied sciences. Therefore, understanding the impact of substrates is crucial for graphene science and technology.
We have measured the impact of atomic hydrogen with kinetic energy less than 250 meV on the transport property of graphene sheets as a function of hydrogen coverage and initial, pre-hydrogenation field-effect mobility. The saturation coverages for different devices are found to be proportional to their initial mobility, indicating that the number of native scatterers is proportional to the saturation coverage of hydrogen. In order to understand this correlation between the field effect mobility and the apparent affinity of atomic hydrogen to graphene, we have performed a detailed temperature programmed desorption study on hydrogen-dosed graphene sheets. Atomic hydrogen is found to physisorb on graphene with activation energy for desorption of 60 ± 10 meV, consistent with our theoretical calculations. The associated charge transfer expected for such small desorption energy indicates that atomic-scale defects and ripples are not responsible for determining the mobility of graphene on SiO2 and that charged impurities in substrates define the transport property of graphene on SiO2.
1. J. Katoch, J.H. Chen, R. Tsuchikawa, C. W. Smith, E. R. Mucciolo, and M. Ishigami, Physical Review B Rapid Communications, 82, 081417 (2010).