AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session GR+AS+EM+MI+MN-TuM

Dynamical Origin of Blue Photoluminescence from Graphene Oxide

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 8:20 am, Room 13

Session: Optical, Magnetic, Mechanical and Thermal Properties
Presenter: A.L. Exarhos, University of Pennsylvania
Authors: A.L. Exarhos, University of Pennsylvania
M.E. Turk, University of Pennsylvania
P.M. Vora, University of Pennsylvania
J.M. Kikkawa, University of Pennsylvania
Correspondent: Click to Email

The tunable broadband emission from graphene oxide (GO) has sparked significant interest in research regarding its potential for band gap engineering. Here, we use polarization sensitive time-resolved optical spectroscopy to study the spectral diffusion and sub-picosecond dynamics of the excited carriers in GO and photo-exposed GO, where photo-exposure has been demonstrated to constitute a reducing condition. In steady state measurements, a significant blueshifting of the photoluminescence (PL) is observed with photo-exposure. This blueshift correlates with a marked difference in the temporal behavior of the PL from GO and photo-exposed GO. The PL spectra are very similar at short delay times, but an increased non-radiative recombination rate in the exposed GO leads to a decreased lifetime in the material. Utilizing in-plane polarization memory measurements, we examine the electron-hole polarization in these systems which can probe excitonic effects and help to provide a better understanding of the role of the sp2 graphene lattice in GO and exposed GO. We further discuss the relevance of our data to the origins of PL in these systems.
A.L.E. gratefully acknowledges the support of NSF DMR-0907226. M.E.T., P.M.V., and the construction of a Kerr gate system are supported by the Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences Award DE-SC0002158.