AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Electron Transport at the Nanoscale Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session ET+SS+GR+SP-ThA

Paper ET+SS+GR+SP-ThA11
Investigation on the Electronic Structure of Arylthio (ArS)-functionized CdSe Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 5:20 pm, Room 16

Session: Electron Transport at the Nanoscale: Molecules and Defects
Presenter: Z. Li, University of South Florida
Authors: Z. Li, University of South Florida
K. Mazzio, University of Washington
S. Gutmann, University of South Florida
C.K. Luscombe, University of Washington
R. Schlaf, University of South Florida
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CdSe nanoparticles are a promising material for 3D heterojunction solar cells due to their tunable electronic and optical properties through size control. By covalently bonding these nanoparticles to organic ligands, a novel light absorption, charge separation and transportation system can be formed. This presentation will discuss efforts to measure the hybrid-internal orbital line-up at the nanoparticle/ligand junction. Photoemission spectroscopy was used to characterize a prototypical arylthio (ArS)-functionized CdSe molecule nanoparticle/ligand hybrid. Generally, in such hybrid molecules, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) emission is a superposition of the emissions of the nanoparticles and that of the organic ligands. This superposition makes the direct study of the orbital line-up through PES measurements impossible. Hence, a new technique needed to be developed to delineate the orbital line-up at such inner-molecular contacts. This was achieved through the additional investigation of the isolated components, which yielded detailed information of their electronic structure. Combination of this data with measurements on the assembled hybrid molecules enabled the determination of the orbital line-up at the interface. The influence of the covalent bond on the orbital line-up was investigated by comparing the hybrid line-up with the electronic structure of a physisorbed interface formed between the hybrid components. This interface was prepared through in-vacuum electrospray deposition of a thin film sandwich of CdSe and ArSH films, while measuring the transition from the CdSe to the ArSH electronic structure.