AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Thursday Sessions
       Session EM+SS+AS+NS-ThM

Paper EM+SS+AS+NS-ThM12
Switching Molecular Kondo Effect by Chemical Reactions

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 11:40 am, Room 14

Session: Nanoelectronic Interfaces, Materials, and Devices
Presenter: H. Kim, ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan
Authors: H. Kim, ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan
Y.H. Chang, KAIST, Korea
M.H. Chang, Korea University
Y.-H. Kim, KAIST, Korea
S.-J. Kahng, Korea University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Motivated by spintronics applications, the methods to control Kondo effect have been actively studied in magnetic adsorbates on metal surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy, but they were limited to the processes that required external energy supply from scanningn tunneling microscope tip. We report new methods to control molecular Kondo effect by using bimolecular chemical reactions. A chemical binding between diatomic molecules and Co-porphyrin was exploited to switch off, or reset the molecular Kondo effect. The Kondo effect was switched back on using scanning tunneling microscope manipulation as well as thermal desorption. These methods rely on the hybridized pairing of unpaired spins in dz2 and π* orbitals of Co-porphyrin and diatomic molecules, respectively, as supported by our density functional theory calculation results. Our study opens up ways to control the molecular Kondo effect using an enormous variety of bimolecular chemical reactions.