AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session EL+TF+AS+EM+SS-TuP

Temperature Dependence of the Dielectric Function of Germanium by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 6:00 pm, Room Central Hall

Session: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Poster Session
Presenter: A.A. Medina, New Mexico State University
Authors: A.A. Medina, New Mexico State University
L.S. Abdallah, New Mexico State University
S. Zollner, New Mexico State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Germanium has important applications in photovoltaics as a substrate for III/V triple-junction solar cells, especially in space vehicles and for terrestrial concentrator-based applications. Unfortunately, the optical properties of germanium (complex refractive index and absorption coefficient) and their temperature dependence (important to consider the effects of the space environment or the radiation-induced heating in concentrators) are not as well known as for silicon, which limits the accuracy of modeling for solar cells and Ge-based optical interconnects. In this work, we report precision measurements of the complex refractive index of germanium from 0.5 to 6.6 eV at room temperature using variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. To improve accuracy, especially at photon energies below 2 eV, we used a Berek waveplate compensator. By cleaning a commercial Ge wafer in isopropanol followed by deionized water, we were able to reduce the native oxide thickness to 1.3 nm. Heating the wafer in UHV at 700 K did not reduce the oxide thickness further. (The oxide thickness can be determined with precision measurements of Δ below the band gap on a single-side polished wafer.) From the ellipsometric angles of the Ge wafer measured at three angles of incidence (65, 70, and 75° ), we calculated the dielectric function from 0.5 to 6.6 eV, by correcting for the effects of a native oxide.

Mounting our wafer in a compact UHV cryostat allowed temperature-dependent measurements from 80 to 700 K at 70° angle of incidence. Using similar methods as described above, we determined the dielectric function at different temperatures. We also determined the critical-point parameters (amplitude, energy, phase angle, and broadening) of the E0, E1, E11, E0’, and E2 critical points as a function of temperature. To separate the non-resonant contributions from the critical-point line shapes, we calculated the second derivative of the dielectric function with respect to photon energy and fitted the result to analytical line shapes with two-dimensional critical points. In general, our results are in good agreement with those of Viña et al. However, our results cover a wider spectral range and are more accurate because of the use of a compensator. Work is in progress to form thermal oxides on Ge wafers by annealing in oxygen, which will allow a multi-wafer analysis for Ge similar to work on Si by Herzinger et al.

This work was supported by NSF (HRD-0803171 and DMR-11104934) and the New Mexico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation.

Reference: L. Viña, S. Logothetidis, M. Cardona Phys. Rev. B 30, 1979 (1984).