AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Wednesday Sessions
       Session BI+SS+NS-WeM

Paper BI+SS+NS-WeM9
Engineering Bio-Interfaces using Electric Field-Induced Nanolithography

Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 10:40 am, Room 23

Session: Bio/Nano Interfaces with Applications in Biomedicine and Energy
Presenter: S. Zauscher, Duke University
Authors: S. Zauscher, Duke University
R.J. Ferris, Duke University
B. Yellen, Duke University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Field-Induced Nanolithography (FINL) offers a convenient tool to create physically or chemically distinct patterns for bio-interfacial sensing applications. For pattern transfer, FINL merely requires a conductively coated SPM tip or stamp, connected to a conductive substrate via a voltage source. The patterning electrode is placed in contact with the target surface and a bias voltage is applied. Few sub-diffraction limit surface patterning techniques offer FINL’s versatility to function in both a serial and parallel fashion. Recently we demonstrated the use of FINL to pattern a range of polymer brushes: poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm), poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (PSBMA), and poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl methacrylate) (POEGMA). Our results show that FINL of non-fouling polymer brushes provides a novel patterning technique that results in the localized topographical and chemical modification of the polymer brush surface only. The resulting chemical modification allowed selective addressing of the brush surface with aldehyde reactive coupling chemistries. Our approach thus shows significant promise for fabricating large-scale sensing devices, as patterning can be accomplished in a step-and-repeat fashion. Using FINL, we also demonstrated patterning of surface charges onto ferroelectric thin films (FETFs). FETFs are materials that are able to maintain a bi-stable polarization state, and that once polarized, maintain a high surface charge density. Using FINL, it is possible to locally align unit-cell dipole moments within the film to produce nano-scale polarization patterns. Although to date the use of FETFs is isolated to semiconductor and memory applications, we demonstrate that FETFs have great potential for biological and interfacial sensing applications. We show that FETF surface charge patterns can be used to control the lateral extent of electric double layer formation in dilute electrolyte solutions, with clear implications for field assisted particle deposition and programmed self assembly.