AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Marine Biofouling Focus Topic Monday Sessions

Session MB+BI+PS-MoA
Marine Antifouling Coatings

Monday, October 31, 2011, 2:00 pm, Room 105
Moderator: Axel Rosenhahn, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm MB+BI+PS-MoA1 Invited Paper
Advances in Sustainable Technologies for the Prevention of Marine Biofouling
R. Deshmukh, University of Texas at Arlington, P. Sheth, University of North Texas Health Science Center, R.B. Timmons, University of Texas at Arlington, John A. Schetz, University of North Texas Health Science Center
3:00pm MB+BI+PS-MoA4
Development of a Comparative Protocol for Anti-Fouling Surfaces Based on Polymer Brushes
Ângela Serrano, S. Zürcher, S. Tosatti, SuSoS AG, Switzerland, N.D. Spencer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3:40pm MB+BI+PS-MoA6 Invited Paper
Surface Modification of Polymers via Self-Stratification: Decoupling of Bulk and Surface Properties
Dean Webster, North Dakota State University
4:20pm MB+BI+PS-MoA8
Antifouling Behavior on the Surface of Polyelectrolyte Brushes in Water
Motoyasu Kobayashi, M. Terada, Jst, Erato, Japan, A. Takahara, IMCE, Kyushu University, Japan
4:40pm MB+BI+PS-MoA9
Non-fouling Polymer Chemical Gradients for the Investigation of Marine Bioadhesion
Olof Sterner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, S. Zürcher, SuSoS AG and ETH Zurch, Switzerland, S. Tosatti, SuSoS AG and ETH Zurich, Switzerland, N.D. Spencer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
5:00pm MB+BI+PS-MoA10
Development of Poly(silyl urethanes) with Tethered Quaternary Ammonium Biocides as Antifouling Marine Coatings
Peter Coneski, N.K. Weise, J.H. Wynne, Naval Research Laboratory
5:20pm MB+BI+PS-MoA11
A Preliminary Study on Porous Pt-TiO2/Ti Electrodes with Electrochemically Microbubble-Induced Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Drag Reduction and Antifouling
Kee-Rong Wu, C.H. Hung, C.W. Yeh, J.C. Sun, J.K. Wu, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan, Republic of China