AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Surface Science | Monday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | SS1-MoM1 Structure and Reactivity of Alkyl Ethers Adsorbed on Hydroxylated CeOx(111) Model Catalysts F.C. Calaza, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, T.-L. Chen, Brookhaven National Laboratory, D.R. Mullins, S.H. Overbury, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
8:40am | SS1-MoM2 Adsorption and Activation of n-alkanes on a PdO(101) Thin Film J.F. Weaver, C. Hakanoglu, J.A. Hinojosa, Jr., A. Antony, J.M. Hawkins, A. Asthagiri, University of Florida |
9:00am | SS1-MoM3 Invited Paper Stereo and Enantioselectivity in Surface Reactions F. Zaera, University of California, Riverside |
9:40am | SS1-MoM5 Enantioselective Explosions on Chiral Surfaces A.J. Gellman, Y. Huang, F. Xu, V.V. Pushkarev, Carnegie Mellon University |
10:00am | SS1-MoM6 C-H Bond Activation of Light Alkanes on Pt(111): Dissociative Sticking Coefficients, Evans-Polanyi Relation, and Gas-Surface Energy Transfer G. Cushing, J. Navin, S. Donald, I. Harrison, University of Virginia |
10:40am | SS1-MoM8 Heat of Formation of Adsorbed Methoxy on Pt(111) by Adsorption Microcalorimetry E. Karp, M. Crowe, C.T. Campbell, University of Washington |
11:00am | SS1-MoM9 Interaction of Ethylene and Nitrogen Atoms on the Pt (111) Surface J. Yin, R. Meyer, M. Trenary, University of Illinois at Chicago |
11:20am | SS1-MoM10 Probing the Reaction Intermediates for the Water–gas Shift Over Inverse CeOx/Au(1 1 1) Catalysts D.J. Stacchiola, S.D. Senanayake, J. Hrbek, J.A. Rodriguez, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
11:40am | SS1-MoM11 Reactivity of CO towards Nanocrystals and Continuous Films of α-Fe2O3 on Au(111) at Ambient Pressure: Implications for the Water-Gas Shift Reaction X. Deng, J. Lee, C. Wang, C. Matranga, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), F. Aksoy, Z. Liu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |