AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Surface Science | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | SS-ThM1 Invited Paper Adsorption and Reaction on Poorly Crystalline γ-Al2O3 Surfaces J.H. Kwak, D. Mei, R.J. Rousseau, J. Szanyi, Y. Wang, C.H.F. Peden, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
8:40am | SS-ThM3 Evolution and Growth of Polar ZnO Nanostructures and their Correlation with Native Point Defects D.R. Doutt, T.A. Merz, Y.F. Dong, L.J. Brillson, Ohio State University |
9:00am | SS-ThM4 Atomic Structure and Site Specific Reactivity at Ferreoelctric Oxide Surfaces L. Kraya, D.A. Bonnell, The University of Pennsylvania |
9:20am | SS-ThM5 Selective Oxidation of Ammonia on RuO2(110): a Combined DFT and KMC Study T.S. Rahman, S. Hong, University of Central Florida, A. Karim, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
9:40am | SS-ThM6 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Evidence for the Formation of O2- on the Surface of Ultra Thin MgO/Mo Films A. Gonchar, T. Risse, H.-J. Freund, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany |
10:40am | SS-ThM9 Franck-Condon Broadening of the XPS of Ionic Materials P.S. Bagus, University of North Texas, C.J. Nelin, Maury's Trail, E.S. Ilton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
11:00am | SS-ThM10 Ethylene Glycol Adsorption and Decomposition over CeO2 (111) Surfaces T.-L. Chen, F.C. Calaza, S.H. Overbury, D.R. Mullins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
11:20am | SS-ThM11 Synthesis and Characterization of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles with Well-defined Crystallographic Terminations S.H. Overbury, M. Li, Z. Wu, D.R. Mullins, J. Howe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
11:40am | SS-ThM12 Surface Analysis of Selected Metal-Doped Adsorbent Materials for Logistics Fuels Desulfurization R.A. Quinlan, NSWC, Carderock Division, J.M. Heinzel, NSWC, A.N. Mansour, NSWC, Carderock Division |