AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Energy Frontiers Topical Conference | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | EN+NS-ThM1 Rare Earth Oxide Nanocavity Upconversion V.D. Jankovic, J. Hoang, J.P. Chang, UCLA |
8:40am | EN+NS-ThM3 Hydrogen Storage in Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) N. Nijem, J.-F. Veyan, University of Texas at Dallas, L. Kong, K. Li, J. Li, D.C. Langreth, Rutgers University, Y.J. Chabal, University of Texas at Dallas |
9:00am | EN+NS-ThM4 The Influence of Acid Treatment of TiO2 Film Prepared by FFCVD on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell B.R. Chen, Y.J. Chen, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
9:20am | EN+NS-ThM5 Invited Paper Development of Novel Nanomaterials as the Building Blocks for Next-Generation Solar Cells J.M. Pietryga, D.C. Lee, I. Robel, V.I. Klimov, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
10:40am | EN+NS-ThM9 CdSe-Coated ZnO Nanowires for Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells H. Majidi, J.B. Baxter, Drexel University |
11:00am | EN+NS-ThM10 Titanium Dioxide Nanowires for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Lithium Ion Batteries and Photocatalysis E.S. Aydil, B. Liu, A. Khare, University of Minnesota |
11:20am | EN+NS-ThM11 Device Characteristics of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Evaporated TiO2 Nanowire Photoanodes S.M. Pursel, S.H.A. Lee, T.E. Mallouk, M.W. Horn, The Pennsylvania State University |
11:40am | EN+NS-ThM12 Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Aerogel-Templated Nanostructured Photoanodes Fabricated using Atomic Layer Deposition A. Yanguas-Gil, J.W. Elam, Argonne National Laboratory, V.O. Williams, Northwestern University, M. Mushfiq, D.M. Hess, R. Winter, U. Sampathkumaran, Innosense LLC, M.J. Pellin, Argonne National Laboratory, J.T. Hupp, Northwestern University |