AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Energy Frontiers Topical Conference | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | EN+AS-ThM1 Functionalization of Carbon Materials for the Controlled Deposition of Pt Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cell Applications S. Pylypenko, Colorado School of Mines, National Renewable Energy Lab, A. Dameron, T. Olson, K.C. Neyerlin, J. Bult, C. Engtrakul, National Renewable Energy Lab, A. Queen, Colorado School of Mines, K. O'Neill, T. Gennett, H.N. Dinh, B. Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Lab, R.P. O'Hayre, Colorado School of Mines |
8:20am | EN+AS-ThM2 Structural and Morphological Properties of Carbon Supports studied by XPS and SEM: Effect on Catalyst Degradation A. Patel, K. Artyushkova, P. Atanassov, University of New Mexico, A. Young, M. Dutta, Z. Ahmad, V. Colbow, S. Wessel, Ballard Power Systems, Canada |
8:40am | EN+AS-ThM3 Anchoring of N3, N719 and Z907 Dye Molecules on TiO2(110) Surface P. Nachimuthu, A. Pandey, Z.Q. Yu, Z.H. Zhu, K.M. Beck, S. Thevuthasan, M.A. Henderson, D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
9:00am | EN+AS-ThM4 Characterization of Minority Carrier Lifetime in Ge Films Epitaxially Grown on Si by Nanoscale Interfacial Engineering J.J. Sheng, D. Leonhardt, University of New Mexico, J.G. Cederberg, M.S. Carroll, Sandia National Laboratories, M.J. Romero, S. Johnston, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, S.M. Han, University of New Mexico |
9:40am | EN+AS-ThM6 A Multi-technique Approach to the Characterization of New Materials for Energy Production T. Nunney, R.G. White, N. Bulloss, P. Camus, J. Konopka, ThermoFisher Scientific, UK, H.M. Meyer III, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
11:00am | EN+AS-ThM10 Quantification of Hydrogen and Deuterium in Niobium and Niobium Oxide P. Maheshwari, F.A. Stevie, North Carolina State University, G.R. Myneni, G. Ciovati, Jefferson Lab, M. Rigsbee, D.P. Griffis, North Carolina State University |
11:20am | EN+AS-ThM11 Study of Thin Film Solar Cell Materials using Variable-Wavelength Electric Force Microscopy J. Luria, J.J. Choi, T. Hanrath, J.A. Marohn, Cornell University |