AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Thin Film | Monday Sessions |
Session TF+EM-MoM |
Session: | Nanostructuring Thin Films |
Presenter: | Y. Wu, University of Tennessee |
Authors: | Y. Wu, University of Tennessee J.D. Fowlkes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee |
Correspondent: | Click to Email |
The synthesis and assembly of functional metallic nanomaterials is critical for realizing many important applications of nanoscience and nanotechnology. In this study, we investigated thin film dewetting of metal films via pulsed nanosecond laser melting. We studied film instabilities induced by capillary forces and the subsequent mass transport which can lead to thin film break-up and subsequent nanoparticle formation. We have also explored the dewetting and nanopattern formation of nano-lithographically patterned thin films of various shapes to understand how various initial and boundary conditions can guide the assembly. In this presentation we will discuss the various spinodal and Rayleigh-Plateau instability mechanisms and the inertial, visco-inertial and viscous flow regimes involved in the thin metal film assembly. Finally we will discuss how nano-lithographically defined features can be used to direct the assembly of multi-functional nanoparticle ensembles.