AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Advanced Surface Engineering Tuesday Sessions
       Session SE-TuP

Paper SE-TuP5
Time Domain Thermoreflectance and 3-Omega Comparison Studies of Polymer-Metallic-Ceramic Nanolaminate Coatings

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 pm, Room Southwest Exhibit Hall

Session: Advanced Surface Engineering Poster Session
Presenter: A.R. Waite, Air Force Research Laboratory/Universal Technology Corp.
Authors: A.R. Waite, Air Force Research Laboratory/Universal Technology Corp.
J.J. Gengler, Air Force Research Laboratory/Spectral Energies, LLC
J.G. Jones, Air Force Research Laboratory
C. Muratore, Air Force Research Laboratory
A.A. Voevodin, Air Force Research Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Multilayered polymer-metal-ceramic nanolaminate coatings were grown by room temperature plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and magnetron sputtering processes in a dual chamber PVD-CVD system to examine optical coatings with tailored, through-thickness thermal conductivity. Highly cross-linked fluoropolymer films were grown by PECVD from an octafluorocyclobutane gas precursor. High refractive index ceramic layers were deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering of a TiO2 target. Thin (5-20 nm) silver interlayers with thicknesses on the order of phonon mean free paths were also integrated into the nanolaminate stack. The thickness and position of the layers with high and low refractive index layers could by adjusted to develop optical coatings with desired functionality for different wavelengths of incident light, while metal layers were integrated to distribute heat and eliminate decomposition of the polymer films during heating by incident light. The through-thickness thermal conductivity of the films with and without the integrated silver layers was compared by time domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) and 3-Omega techniques. The 3-Omega analysis provides the bulk thermal conductivity of the nanolaminate stack which was compared to the constructed thermal transport model from the TDTR analysis of each film material and their respective interfaces.