AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions
       Session NS-TuP

Paper NS-TuP22
Study on High-Current-Density CNT Field Emitter: Current Enhancement with Titanium Micro-powders

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 pm, Room Southwest Exhibit Hall

Session: Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Poster Session
Presenter: V. Chouhan, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
Authors: V. Chouhan, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
T. Noguchi, KEK-High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan
H.R. Liu, Mie University, Japan
S. Kato, KEK-High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan
Correspondent: Click to Email

CNT film field emitters (FFE) with a high current density up to a couple of 100 A/cm2 and a high total current up to 100 mA are applicable to electron sources such as accelerators and high intensity X-ray sources for medical and security examinations. Based on our previous work of FFE, it turned out that one of the most crucial factors for high current and long time operation is to select appropriate CNT junction and substrate materials so as to maintain high thermal and electric conduction with high tensile strength. Our FFE was prepared by dispersing MWCNTs over a titanium film deposited on a metallic substrate by magnetron sputtering technique followed with rooting of MWCNTs into the titanium film at high temperature. In this study, use of titanium micropowders was attempted to sprinkle on the dispersed MWCNTs. This powder would allow to enhance reaction for better carbide formation. This paper describes the detailed procedures and the experiments to achieve the high emission current density from the FFE.