AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions
       Session NS-TuP

Paper NS-TuP14
Charge Transport across Phosphonate Molecular Wire-Indium Tin Oxide Junctions

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 pm, Room Southwest Exhibit Hall

Session: Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Poster Session
Presenter: D.M. Rampulla, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Authors: D.M. Rampulla, National Institute of Standards and Technology
J.G. Kushmerick, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

Current-voltage analysis and transition voltage spectroscopy were used to measure the charge injection properties of monolayers of bithiophene phosphonate, quarterthiophene phosphonate, and decylphosphonate covalently bonded to an indium tin oxide surface. Hysteresis was observed for all three phosphonates, which is possibly explained by charge retention in the phosphonate. As compared to similar thiol/Au molecular junctions, there is no significant difference between the charge injection barriers of the three phosphonates, indicating that the phosphonate moiety dominates the observed charge injection properties.