AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions
       Session NS-TuP

Paper NS-TuP12
Controlled Hybrid Bioactive Nanostructures by Integrating Gold Nanoparticles and Peroxidase to the ssDNA Nanotemplate

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 pm, Room Southwest Exhibit Hall

Session: Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Poster Session
Presenter: M.-Y. Lin, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China
Authors: M.-Y. Lin, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China
F.H. Ho, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China
Y.S. Yang, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China
Correspondent: Click to Email

Controlled positioning of metallic nanoparticles to assembly nanostructure has drawn interests in the field of nano-architecture, because of their electronic and optical properties. To achieve this, scientists have adopted varies materials and methods for “bottom-up” and “top-down” fabrication of nanostructures. DNA nowadays is more than just a carrier for genetic codes, but it has also been used as novel materials for building nano-architectures. In this study, we aim to assembly the long, periodic single-stranded DNA nanotemplate (ssDNA) on the silicon-based substrate covalently and couple the supramolecules into a functional bioactive system. The preparation of ssDNA nanotemplates is based on the aptameric recognition of tumor marker: platelet-derived growth factors and rolling circle amplification (RCA) technology. Because of the periodic, repeated sequence with secondary structures on the ssDNA nanotemplate, the supramolecules, including gold nanoparticles and peroxidase enzyme will be incorporated on the specific sites of the ssDNA nanotemplate based on the Watson-Crick base-pairing strategy in a programmable way. The distance between the gold nanoparticles and peroxidase enzyme can be controlled by manipulated the sequence on each repeat. In addition, the distance can also be increased merely by thermal treatment (around 80 °C) to open up the secondary structure on the ssDNA nanotemplate. Gold nanoparticles and peroxidase were periodically allocated precisely on each repeating sequence. The property of the peroxidase was affected by the gold nanoparticles and demonstrated by the luminescence measurement. In this study, we attempt to incorporate the gold nanoparticles on the ssDNA nanotemplate through hierarchical self-organization. The gold nanoparticle chains integrated with ssDNA nanotemplate were confirmed and visualized by the atomic force microscopy. We anticipate this study will pave a way for assembling novel bioactive materials with metallic nanoparticles for the development of modern electronic devices.